Learn something new

You should always keep learning something new.

Learning doesn’t necessarily have to be about your work. Learning something new about a random topic works as a general brain booster.

This indirectly makes you more productive as well. You can create a daily habit of learning something new everyday.

It also allows you to expand your thinking and possibly even apply a learning from outside your work to your own work.

Here are some ways of doing this:

  1. Read a random Wikipedia article
  2. Watch an educational video
  3. Listen to a podcast outside your industry
  4. Read a blog post written with in-depth analysis
  5. Read a chapter of a book (non-selfhelp)

You can also have a conversation with someone and ask them about their expertise.

Using any of the above tools, just make sure you add it once daily and you’ll know a lot more than you started with 🙂