Upgrade Your Daily Multivitamin To Include Scientifically-Proven Nootropics (Total Human by ONNIT)

A few months ago, I was looking for a daily vitamin to round out my wellness system. Thankfully I came across Onnit’s Total Human. More than a typical multivitamin—Total Human is reimagined with vitamins, minerals, and nootropics.

Let me unpack that last word: nootropics. It means any substance that boosts brain performance. Total Human combines the best of Onnit’s supplement line, including its highly rated nootropic, AlphaBrain. According to Onnit, here’s how that product works:

In Alpha BRAIN®, for instance, we give you a good dose of vitamin B6, which aids neurotransmitter production to stimulate cognitive speed, but we also provide huperzia serrata, a clubmoss that helps stop the breakdown of neurotransmitters. Think: more in, less out.

While the current price of $4.60 per day is a bit steep, I’ve found the investment to be well worth it. Now, here’s why: I used to hit an afternoon wall, like most people. But now I feel clean and focused energy going into the second half of my days (even if just a placebo, I’ll take it!). Give it a test run. Then, consider signing up for the monthly subscription (#Hack 69, Automating Personal Inventory) to save time and 15%.

Source: Ben Meer